Carrier SDK


Generally speaking, the game server will cache some player status data locally. During automatic elastic scaling, the Carrier controller cannot create or delete GameServer at will. The Statefulset, Deployment and other workloads provided by K8s lack confirmation with the application when shrinking, changing and deleting Pods.

The GameServer workload provides a simple SDK. The game backend server can notify the Carrier controller of some current service status information, which is used to select the appropriate copy to delete when the Carrier controller elastically expands or releases changes.

The relationship between GameServer and Carrier SDK

SDK archtecture

  • SDK-Server acts as a sidecar container (automatically injected by the Carrier controller) and runs on the same K8s pod as the GameServer container.

  • GameServer can access SDK-Server through SDK API. If the application does not want to call the SDK API, you can configure the corresponding Webhook, and the SDK-Server will call the Webhook.

  • SDK-Server connects to K8s API and updates GameServer CRD.

User-defined conditions

GameServer can set custom conditions through SDK API or Webhook.


kind: GameServer
    - type: ""
      status: "True"
      lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z

When the Squad is updating or scaling, it needs to ensure that all ReadinessGates condition are True before the Carrier controller considers the new replica status to be Ready.


kind: GameServer
    - type: ""
      status: "True"
      lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z

When Squad is updating or scaling down, you need to ensure that the DeleteableGates condition is True before you can delete the corresponding replica.

GameServer acccess the SDK Server

After the SDK-Server is started, it will listen to a gRPC and an HTTP port, and the Carrier controller will write the port information as an environment variable to the GameServer container:

# kubectl exec -it squad-example-54b764fd57-2bkhx -c server /bin/bash
[root@squad-example-54b764fd57-2bkhx /]# env | grep SDK
  • CARRIER_SDK_GRPC_PORT: gRPC service port, the default is 9020
  • CARRIER_SDK_HTTP_PORT: http service port, the default is 9021



User-defined Webhook

If the application does not want to call the SDK API, you can configure the corresponding Webhook, and the SDK-Server will call the Webhook.

  1. First, we define a Webhook service. E.g:
kind: WebhookConfiguration
  name: ds-webhook
  namespace: default
  - clientConfig:
    name: server-ready
    type: ReadinessWebhook

Details abount Webhook, please refer to WebhookConfiguration.

// WebhookConfiguration is the data structure for a WebhookConfiguration resource.
type WebhookConfiguration struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Webhooks []Configurations `json:"webhooks"`


// WebhookConfigurationList is a list of WebhookConfiguration resources
type WebhookConfigurationList struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Items []WebhookConfiguration `json:"items"`

type Configurations struct {
	ClientConfig   v1.WebhookClientConfig `json:"clientConfig"`
	Name           *string                `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type           *string                `json:"type,omitempty"`
	TimeoutSeconds *int32                 `json:"timeoutSeconds,omitempty"`
	PeriodSeconds  *int32                 `json:"periodSeconds,omitempty"`

Where Type can be

  • ReadinessWebhook

    Corresponding to the value in the Name of the Configurations readinessGates

  • DeletableWebhook

    Corresponding to the value in the Name of the configuration deletableGates

  • ConstraintWebhook

    After the ConstraintWebhook is configured, the SDK server will automatically watch the Constraint of the Gameserver, and then call the user’s webhook

  1. Configure GameServer to access Webhook.
kind: GameServer
  annotations: ds-webhook # should be the webhook name
  name: ds-server
  namespace: default
    - server-ready # readiness gate name should be same as the readiness gate name in webhook

3.Webhook Server

Please refer to webhook example.

Webhook server API

// WebhookRequest defines the request to webhook endpoint
type WebhookRequest struct {
	// UID is used for tracing the request and response.
	UID types.UID `json:"uid"`
	// Name is the name of the GameServer
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Namespace is the workload namespace
	Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
	// Constraints describes the constraints of game server.
	// This filed may be added or changed by controller or manually.
	// If anyone of them is `NotInService` and Effective is `True`,
	// We should react to the constraint.
	Constraints []Constraint `json:"constraints,omitempty"`

// WebhookResponse defines the response of webhook server
type WebhookResponse struct {
	// UID is used for tracing the request and response.
	// It should be same as it in the request.
	UID types.UID `json:"uid"`
	// Set to false if should not allow
	Allowed bool `json:"allowed"`
	// Reason for this result.
	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`

// Constraint describes the constraint info of game server.
type Constraint struct {
	// Type is the ConstraintType name, e.g. NotInService.
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// Effective describes whether the constraint is effective.
	Effective *bool `json:"effective,omitempty"`
	// Message explains why this constraint is added.
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// TimeAdded describes when it is added.
	TimeAdded *time.Time `json:"timeAdded,omitempty"`

// WebhookReview is passed to the webhook with a populated Request value,
// and then returned with a populated Response.
type WebhookReview struct {
	Request  *WebhookRequest  `json:"request"`
	Response *WebhookResponse `json:"response"`
  1. The webhook server will receive the WebhookReview, but only contains the Request, and the webhook server returns the WebhookReview, but it needs to contain the Response;

  2. For ReadinessWebhook and DeleteableWebhook, the received Request will contain GameServer Name, Namespace, and the webhook server’s Response needs to return Allowed, Reason (optional);

  3. For ConstraintWebhook, the received Request will include GameServer Name, Namespace, Constraint. The webhook server’s Response may not return any valid information, and the sdk-server does not currently verify the return information.


For more information, please refer to the carrier-sdk.